Tuesday, November 30, 2010

1. Freewrite: Reflect on your "known world."

2. Man in the Mirror--handout and music video. What is Jackson's point? use the lyrics and the imagery in the video to talk about his argument, its strength and if you believe he proves it.

3. Themes in The Known World.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Today in class we began to assemble the portfolio beginning with the cyber-assignments which is a lengthy task. Start with the student response to the syllabus and the email introduction you sent to me in August.

Paste all of these documents in one Word Doc.
This checklist can serve as the table of contents. Put a check next to the items to show inclusion in the portfolio. Use as the second page to the portfolio, after the cover sheet. Where there are questions for the section, students can post the answers to the narrative there.

Number the pages with a header.

Name ______________________________
Date ______________________________
Class including class code and semester ____________________
Address _______________________________________
Phone number __________________________________
Email address__________________________________

1. Portfolio Essay 1 ________________

2. Portfolio Essay 2 __________________

COA Library

Library Orientation Self-Reflection_________
Library worksheet_______
Website Evaluation_______

American Culture Presentations and Feedback
Post the narratives and self-reflections for all presentations. Also post any peer reviews or responses to the presentations.

Cyber-Assignments Include the email sent in response to the syllabus.

How many?_____________

A Different Mirror
Post essay and all the graded drafts beginning with the highest grade and the planning. Make sure each essay includes the works cited page. Don't forget to post the self-reflections for each graded revision.

Group Presentation:
Feedback___________ (how many?)

For this section also post all the cyber-assignments _____________ (how many?)
Any in-class writing ___________ (how many?)
Post any logs for the book and grades __________ (how many?)

Book Report Essay
Post essay and all the graded drafts beginning with the highest grade and the planning: Initial Planning Sheet, outlines, etc. Make sure each essay includes the works cited page. Don't forget to post the self-reflections for each graded revision.

Feedback___________ (how many?)

For this section also post all the cyber-assignments _____________ (how many?)
Any in-class writing ___________ (how many?)
Post any logs for the book and grades __________ (how many?)

Social Entrepreneur Essay

Post essay and all the graded drafts beginning with the highest grade and the planning: Initial Planning Sheet, outlines, etc. Make sure each essay includes the works cited page. Don't forget to post the self-reflections for each graded revision.


Peer Reviews or Feedback___________ (how many?)

For this section also post all the cyber-assignments _____________ (how many?)
Any in-class writing ___________ (how many?)
Post any logs for the book and grades __________ (how many?)

Post the Frontline World Assignments here as well as the New Heroes Cyber-Assignments

The Known World (final)
This essay will be submitted with the portfolio. Please include the planning sheet, an outline and all the related cyber-assignments.


Course Evaluation
Course evaluation __________ (included or not included)

Teacher research: Can the professor use any of your work? Student will be notified if such is done and if there is any monetary compensation. Student work will be anonymous.

Yes, permission is granted______________. No, permission is not granted_________.

Extra Credit: How many essays? Grades? _______________________

More Extra Credit
Students can also include in the portfolio an essay from another class which demonstrated their competence. Get permission from the other professor first before including the graded essay. Post the assignment, any comments and the grade. It has to be a research essay using at least one source. That is, there needs to be a Works Cited page.

Grade Justification
What grade have you earned this semester? Give a salient argument with evidence proving your case. Don't forget a Works Cited page (smile).

Anything else? Questions, comments? Did I leave anything out? __________________

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Portfolio Narratives

For students who are interested in starting the portfolio essays now, here are the questions which serve as the introduction to the portfolio.

The portfolio narratives (These are essays)

1. The fist narrative will look at the 18 weeks, the themes we looked at this semester, privilege and entitlement. Talk about what you've learned and discovered this semester about writing, college and life, which have transformed or changed you.

What have you learned about yourself this semester? What have you learned about the discipline you are studying in this class: composition and reading that you plan to carry forth into your lifelong pursuit of learning?

Please also comment on the texts and whether or not they were helpful in this process. You can also talk about the instruction, culture of the class and the teacher.

2. Besides the two essays you use as evidence to discuss your revision process, I also want you to include the A Different Mirror essay, the book report essay and the social entrepreneur essay. We have already started the narrative on revision (check past cyber-assignments). Each essay needs to be 250 minimally words.

The checklist will list all the assignments, but you know what they are. On the check-list include the assignment grade. All the essays included in the portfolio are graded essays except for the final essay on TKW.

If anyone would like help assembling the portfolio bring the assignments electronically to class beginning next week, Monday, Nov. 29 and we will have a few portfolio assembly workshops: Nov. 29 (9:30-10:30, 12-1, 3-4), Nov. 30 (1-2), and Dec. 1 (3-4).

3. Cyber-Assignments: Start collecting all your cyber assignments. It takes a while to go through all of the posts, so start now. There is a section on the portfolio for these assignments.

4. Freewrites: Type your in-class freewrites. This is another section for your portfolio. Some freewrites are also cyber-assignments.

5. Extra credit. If you have written any essays this semester for extra credit they would go in this section.

6. Evaluation: There is a course evaluation for the class which is optional. I also ask if I can use any of your work for academic research.

This is a preliminary checklist.
We have been reviewing graded drafts, revising and working on the Social Entrepreneur essay planning: outlines and IPS. Follow the assignment sheet. Answers to the questions can be the substance of the outline. I suggest using a strong thesis like a definition or the three part thesis.

Demonstrate your fluency in writing by employing a variety of writing styles as well as different types of claims to support the thesis like: definition, analogy and consequences.

Keep the due dates in mind. Today there are sample portfolios open on a few computers for students to look at.

I passed out the author interview from The Known World yesterday. We will talk about it today. We read the first few pages of TKW.

Sample Portfolios
Today I posted sample portfolios on several desk top computers this morning.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We completed the film: Argumentation. Post a response to the film. What did you learn about argumentation? What is an argument? How is this form of discourse an importatn one to master? In what ways is an uninformed public vulnerable to persuasion unknowingly?

Have you ever been the victim of a fallacious argument? Many times this takes the form of propaganda or advertising.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

English 1A Social Entrepreneur New Due Dates:

Planning Due by Thursday, Nov. 18 (share or write in class)_____________
Essay: Planning Sheet, Outline, Thesis due Thursday, Nov. 18 (share and/or write in class) __________

First Draft Monday, Nov. 29 (peer reviews)__________
Final Draft due via email, Wednesday, Dec. 1. Send to coasabirenglish1A@gmail.com

Presentations: Dec. 1/Dec. 2 (if we run out of time)

Bring The Known World to class next week and the following week. We will spend Dec. 6-8 working on portfolio assembly. Bring all of your work to class this week: all the graded drafts. The portfolio is due: Wednesday, Dec. 15, by 12 noon.

Make sure you paste it and attach it. Remember attach only one Word Document, not several documents. If you send it wrong, I will not read it.
Today we had a visitor, who talked about her experiences at Cal State East Bay presently. A graduate of COA, she is completing a degree in psychology. She came by to get assistance with a survey re: the correlation between self-esteem and one's GPA.

The discussion took up most of the class; however, finish reading the handout. We will finish watching the video: Argumentation either tomorrow or next week.

Bring in The Known World and start reading it. It is not an easy read.

Homework is to continue working on the SE essay.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'll post the Portfolio Checklist later this week, so check back. I look forward to reading the book report essays.

A few students have been absent a lot and are missing work. Check-in with me, the last day to drop with a W is next week.
Peer Reviews

Today in class we used Microsoft comment for peer reviews on student Book Report papers. We will see if we can have a make up day for presentations.

Some students told me they resented my suggestion that they read a student paper on the same topic. I am a firm believer that good writing is assisted when one has models to guide the process. I suggested essays to students of peers who did a good job addressing a similar topic. None of the essays are perfect, but some students are doing a great job on the first draft, and it is commendable and I think it is great that such students do not mind my sharing these essays with others--all the drafts.

So don't get huffy, use this opportunity while the competition is zero to none to learn from each other. When you transfer and move onto larger institutions this opportunity will shrink and you will be on your own to swim or drown.

Even in art studio classes students don't necessarily share and none of my teachers at UC Berkeley suggested that a classmate share his or her paper or technique with me. I either knew how to paint the curve or develop a thesis (which I didn't). I did okay in the life drawing class.

Even after Subject A (the remedial writing course for entering Freshmen), I don't know how I passed Comparative Lit 1.

This didn't happen at Holy Names College, now University either. The one good thing about HNC though was its insistence on writing across the curriculum, so students had to have good writing in all academic classes or one didn't pass.

The only place I got to read other classmate's work--some of it brilliant, happened was when I took a writing workshop in graduate school. It didn't even happen when I was a student at Merritt or Contra Costa College.

This golden opportunity might be your only chance, unless you start a study group wherever your career takes you, so take advantage of it. The road to a 4.0 is paved with collaboative learning opportunities.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Book Report Essays Presentations:

Rochelle Predovic
Marco Guiterrez
Ibrahima Diallo
Jacob Stabler

Give a substantive comments on student presentations: What worked well? Key points raised that surprised or caught your attention?


Email a list of topics you'd like covered in the concluding weeks of the class. We will continue working on essay structure, thesis development, comprehension and critical thinking, and MLA and research questions and strategies.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Today we are working on the outlines for the Book Report Essay. Presentations start Monday, Nov. 8, 2010. There is no class Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010 (Veteran's Day Holiday). The essays are due via email Friday, Nov. 12, 2010 by 12 noon.

If you have not revised or written your Takaki Essay, do it now and turn it and the previous graded drafts and planning sheet, outline.

The final writing assignment for today is to complete yesterday's freewrite: rewrite the press release using a style appropriate for LemonDrop blog. Post here.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

We watched the film about Maria Teresa Leal and developed thesis sentences individually and shared.

Visit http://www.coopa-roca.org.br/en/index_en.html and http://www.pbs.org/opb/thenewheroes/meet/leal.html

Maria Teresa Leal (from pbs.org)
Project: Coopa-Roca

Location: Rio de Janerio, Brazil

Bring in your book for the book report. Bring in five published examples of provocative or interesting signal phrases. Bring in five published examples of thesis sentences.

Put them together in one document and email to yourself for tomorrow, Thursday's class.
In honor of the first president of Brazil we are going to read the following article. Respond to the questions in a short essay. Post here.

What is the tone of the piece? Who is the intended audience? Now visit the website where it was published and check your hypothesis.

Comment of the writing style, examples and clever word-play which enlivens the piece. How is the tragic history of this woman interspersed with banter? Does the banter lessen the impact or seriousness of the president's ordeals? If so, why does the author do this?

Give concrete examples of how Emily Tan does this juxtaposition of concepts: the heavy with the lighthearted. What do you think is the point of the piece? Does the author admire the Brazilian president? How do you know this?

Now look at the article about the Women of the Year Award from AllAfrica.com. It's author isn't identified, which could mean that it is a press release. How would you describe the style and how does the style fit its purpose? Is "entertaining" an admirable goal for certain audiences and certain kinds of writing situations?

Rewrite the piece for Lemon Drop in Emily Tan's style, which one might categorize as descriptive. You chose the audience. Do you agree with its terms of service?

Nov 3rd 2010 By Emily Tan

Meet Brazil's First Female President (& Ex-Guerrilla)

After winning the presidential election in Brazil, Dilma Rousseff will be the country's first female president -- and part of the ever-growing group of lady heads of state, which includes former Philippine president Corazon Aquino; Finland's current president, Tarja Halonen; and Costa Rica's newest leader, Laura Chinchilla.

Hello, America? But in the meantime, more on Rousseff.

"I want to state my first commitment after the elections: to honor Brazil's women so that today's unprecedented result becomes a normal event," 62-year-old Rousseff said in a speech soon after hearing about her win on Sunday. "I would very much like that parents look into their daughters' eyes and say, 'Yes, women can.'"

Before running for president, Rousseff held many powerful political positions, including secretary of energy, which later turned into minister of energy, where she was credited with heading up the "Luz Para Todos" ("Light for All") program -- making sure that electricity would be in over a million Brazilian homes.

She was then named chief of staff to the outgoing and extremely popular Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (known to everyone as Lula). Sharing the same vision for the economic and social improvement of Brazil, Lula handpicked and fully backed Rousseff to be the presidential candidate for the Workers Party.

Keep reading for more on her flip-flopping position on abortion and super-secret past as a guerrilla fighter ...

Even though Rousseff is now seen as a role model for women, her "iron lady" persona -- as well as her conservative stances on certain issues (like abortion) -- has placed her under fire. The new president-elect defended abortion rights earlier in her campaign, then started losing the support of religious groups. After sniffing a potential loss of votes, Rousseff retracted her earlier statements. "My position is against abortion, which is violence against women," she said during a meeting with Catholic leaders. "No woman is in favor of abortion."

And there's the fact that she's a former guerrilla fighter.

Born to a school-teaching mother and Bulgarian father who was a lawyer, Rousseff went to an all-girls private school in her younger years. However, once she hit her teens, she became aware of the military regime in Brazil and traded her ballerina dreams to fight for her country's well-being. She joined the left-wing armed resistance in the '60s. Being part of a guerrilla organization forced her to go underground and take on various aliases in order to keep herself and her family safe.

A ballerina/spy president? Now that we can get behind.

Although she's owned up to her guerrilla past, Rousseff, now 62, makes it known that she didn't fire weapons because of her poor eyesight. "My involvement was just political," she said in a 2008 TV interview. "I used to have more than a ninth or 10th degree of myopia."

But being involved made her a fugitive in the military government's eyes. Rousseff was arrested in 1970 and subjected to rounds of torture that included being hung in a "parrot's perch" and, well, electrocution to make her sing. "They gave me electrical shocks, a lot of electrical shocks," she said in another interview. "I began to hemorrhage, but I withstood. I wouldn't even tell them where I lived."

After her release in 1972, Rousseff went to school for economics and jumped into a career that has led to her now being one of the world's most influential and powerful women.

Who do you think would win in an arm-wrestling competition? Her or Sarah Palin?

Liberia Government (Monrovia)

Liberia: President Sirleaf Among 5 Female Heads of State Honored By Glamour Magazine As 2010 Women of the Year

2 November 2010

In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Women of the Year Awards, Glamour will honor five heads of state in recognition of their individual achievements on behalf of their respective countries. These women are quite literally the most powerful women on earth, and their successes prove that we are moving ever closer to the global empowerment of women. The honorees are: Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor of Croatia, Prime Minister Iveta Radicová of Slovakia, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, President Dalia Grybauskaite of Lithuania, and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar of Trinidad and Tobago.

"I am so thrilled to be recognizing these five outstanding leaders," said Cindi Leive, editor-in-chief of Glamour. "Each of these women has demonstrated tremendous leadership, and their work is an inspiration to girls and women everywhere."

- Jadranka Kosor, Prime Minister of Croatia, is the first woman to become prime minister of her country, and she has worked tirelessly to promote gender equality and to promote women to leadership positions. She's been fiercely involved in causes that protect women who have been victims of violence and refugees. She has fought against gender stereotyping in the media and in schools.

- Iveta Radicová, Prime Minister of Slovakia, is also the first woman to become prime minister of her country. She has made women's rights and human rights a priority. During her years as one of Slovakia's leading sociologists, she specialized in social affairs, family policy and children's rights. She has stood up for the country's minorities, especially the Roma and ethnic Hungarians. She has said, "The ability to listen is my most valued possession."

- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia, was a political prisoner who became the first female elected president of Africa in 2005. She has said she knows her example will inspire girls all over Africa "to go to school to break the chains that make them marry early to break the tradition in which they're left behind when the young boys go to school because they have seen there are ones who can succeed." She has stressed education, the inclusion of women in government, and providing women with vocational skills and improving their employment opportunities.

- Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania, won in a landslide to become Lithuania's first female president. She is a champion of women. This summer, Lithuania became home to the European Institute for Gender Equality. In Lithuania today, women are active participants in political, business and public life, and the gap between men's and women's employment has been narrowing.

- Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, is determined to tackle her country's crime rate, boost pensions and eradicate poverty-all issues that greatly affect women. She is known for her inclusive leadership style and her desire to get more women into office.

About Glamour's Women of the Year: It's the premiere event honoring women from the United States and around the world. Past honorees include Madonna, Meg Whitman, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Susan Sarandon, Maya Angelou, Geraldine Ferraro, Jane Goodall, Katie Couric, Carolina Herrera, First Lady Michelle Obama and Venus Williams.

From http://allafrica.com/stories/201011031000.html

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

My essay on rehabilitation

By Wanda Sabir

Rehabilitation is something one thinks about as the sole responsibility to the individual who is as Mimi Silbert, director of Delancey Street Foundation, says, "hit rock bottom."

However, often her clients say they don't know how to change. That they would have changed their lifestyles and habits, if they'd had the necessary tools. The idea of change is easy to suggest or demand, yet, for how many is relapse the reality? Change is successful when an entire community is involved and where examples of what one is working towards lives within reach.

It is often better to throw away the societal miscreant than help the person find options and alternatives, many beyond reach or view. This assistance is what community is all about.

It is what our Constitution means when it says, its citizens are endowed with the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How can a person be happy if they are homeless, stoned out of their minds or caught in a web of futility and worthlessness enabled by habitual bad habits?

Government has not been successful in its job of rehabilitation if the huge number of prisons in California is any indicator, so programs in the public sector like Delancey Street Foundation, which not only provide jobs to the down and out inhabitants of society, it also provides a great social good.

Founded by a physiologist and three former incarcerated men, Delancey Street, 31-33 years later is a leader in the rehabilitation field with many former clients who swear without DSF they would be dead.

Using tactics one might not agree with like scare or intimidation strategies, one might ask, what differentiated Delancey Street from Synanon, the 1960s cult or Jim Jones Peoples Temple?

Both cults used intimidation or bullying to get its member to follow company rules.
DSF like these cults does not allow its members to have family with them, however, unlike Synanon and Peoples Temple, DSF is right in the community, accessible and therefore more transparent than the more secretive and damaging organizations labeled cults, making DSF's ends much more socially acceptable and welcomed.
Mimi Silbert's Delancy Street Foundation

Today we watched the New Heroes segment on Delancy Street Foundation. The topic is rehabilitation. We then wrote a collaborative essay --Thesis, Anti-thesis, Synthesis on the topic using Delancy Street Foundation program as an illustration. See http://www.pbs.org/opb/thenewheroes/meet/silbert.html

Mimi Silbert
Project: Delancey Street Foundation
Location: San Francisco, Calif. U.S.A.

In 1971 Mimi Silbert founded Delancey Street with four residents, a thousand dollar loan and a dream. She envisioned a place where substance abusers, former felons and others who had hit bottom would, through their own efforts, be able to turn their lives around.

Silbert has since built an empire grossing 20 million dollars a year with locations in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina and Los Angeles. She has never accepted a single penny of government funds.

Since those early days in a single house, Mimi Silbert has empowered more than 14,000 people to lead crime-free, drug-free lives in mainstream society. They have acquired skills, they attend college and they are part of the workforce.

Silbert says she has spent her career cultivating a "university of the streets." She calls it a "Harvard for losers," where the students are former pimps, prostitutes, junkies, drug dealers and armed robbers.

Her program's name comes from Silbert's own past. Delancey Street is a place on Manhattan's lower east side where immigrants like her parents came to make a new life for themselves.

What Does the Delancey Street Foundation Do?
The Delancey Street Foundation is a residential education center where drug addicts, criminals and the homeless learn to lead productive, crime-free lives. It has been called the most successful rehabilitation project in the United States.

The foundation runs at no cost to the taxpayer or client. They earn revenue by operating more than 20 businesses, including the Delancey Street Restaurant and Café and the Delancey Street Moving Company. These "training schools" not only generate income, they teach residents marketable skills and inculcate in them habits of self-control and self-discipline.

Each resident spends up to four years at the facility and must pass equivalency exams to obtain a high school diploma in order to graduate. They also need to line up a job and a place to live. Silbert likes to see each of her students graduate with three marketable skills to ensure their job success.

Silbert reports that 65 percent of the organization's operating costs are paid for by revenue from its businesses. She originally rejected foundation money, fearing it would deter from the participants' feeling that their survival depended on the success of the businesses. Today, the organization receives more than ten million dollars from private donations every year.

Silbert and Delancey Street are always facing new challenges. Today, offenders are often third-generation criminals. Silbert used to tell clients that their parents wanted a better life for them. Since participants' parents are often criminals as well, the draw to go back to the streets can be strong. Fortunately, after more than 30 years, Mimi Silbert isn't about to give up.

© Copyright 2005 Oregon Public Broadcasting

Monday, November 01, 2010


How do your ancestors impact your life consciously and unconsciously? How are days like All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and Halloween (Oct. 31), a reminder of this?
Evaluating Websites Assignment

Go to the COA library website. On the left side of the page, locate Library Worksheets. Find library handouts and then locate Evaluating Webpage Worksheet.

Pair up with a classmate and find a website that analyses or defines the term: "Tea Party."

For homework find two other website that define the terms "Tea Party," and using critical analysis, evaluate the site via the COA library assignment re: its definition.

Is the website biased? If so, how? Who is its audience? What does the emergence of a Tea Party mean for democracy?

Do you think use of the name, "Tea Party?" a defamation of the original political action that led to the founding of this country?